Towards a Green Environment: Promoting the Reuse of Plastic Waste to Mitigate Climate Change

This activity involved an engagement with the pupils of
the Throne of Grace School at Ashaley Botwe, Accra, with a team of volunteers. The workshop involved a theory and practical session. During the theory aspect, we introduced the students to climate change and its impact on our lives especially in Ghana. We also engaged the students on improper plastic waste disposal and its contribution to climate change. Based on this understanding, the students were introduced to the solution that lies in the circular economy particularly, the principle of the 3R’s (Reduce,Reuse and Recycle). Finally, the pupils partook in a practical session where we planted flowers and other shallow rooted plants in plastic bottles and receptacles. The entire session was very interactive and we donated to the school a dustbin (to collect plastic waste only), one pack of bin liner, eleven nursed flowers, two tshirts and refreshment.


  1. Educate and create awareness on climate change and the detrimental effect of plastic waste on our climate.
  2. Imbibe a culture of plastic waste segregation mechanism in the school.
  3. Promote the creation of a green environment through the reuse of plastic waste materials.

Knowledge: The target group gained knowledge on the impacts of climate change and the contribution of plastic waste to climate change. This outcome was achieved as the pupils understood the things we taught, answered questions and asked questions as well, to which answers were provided.

Policy: The target school agreed to incorporate plastic waste segregation in their schools’ policies. Cradle Star Basic school has agreed to actively segregate their plastic waste we are still in conversation with the recycling company which would start collecting segregated plastic waste from the school when they return from their vacation.

Behavioural: The project positively influenced the attitudes of the target groups towards proper plastic waste management. As far as our engagement is concerned, the pupils were ready to inculcate the plastic waste management principles we introduced them to, also, to serve as a reminder, the pupils were given some posters which they would paste in their classrooms to remind them of the lessons they learnt from the engagement.

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