The Organisation

Lucid Future Initiative – Africa (LFIA) is a not-for-profit organisation with dedicated efforts and commitments toward the youth, focusing on the three major themes of Climate Change and sustainability, Environment, and Governance. LFIA seeks to undertake research and evidence-based advocacies that promote youth participation while ensuring organisation efficiency and accountability. LFIA believes a progressive future is dependent on good governance, therefore, igniting the interests and developing the capacities of young people to contribute towards raising and shaping Africa’s next generation of leaders, capable of effectively and efficiently managing the affairs of the continent for sustainable and inclusive development.

Our Values

The following details our values as an organisation;
  • Green: We are constantly and highly conscious of activities that pose adverse impacts to the environment and seek to promote and contribute to a safe and healthy environment.
  • Enterprise: We maintain originality and continuously take stellar initiatives that lead to seminal outcomes within our focus areas.
  • Integrity: We uphold our reputation and act ethically to engender credibility for our stakeholders and society.
  • Futuristic: We significantly leverage modern technology in our work and focus keenly on the future, specifically on innovating and sustaining our interventions for successive generations.
  • Diversity & Inclusion: We remain committed to being all-embracing, non-discriminatory, and objective in working to impact persons of all races, ethnicities, and backgrounds for a broad reach.